We have been closely following Tony Robbins' Life Force movement these days and are impressed with much of his physical and mental health coaching for optimal performance. Recently he has been demonstrating the "priming" strategy for optimal health performance.

Here is a link to download a infographic on a 10-minute morning exercise that can change your health and performance.
Here is some more information on primary from a psychological perspective.
What is PRIMING and How Can it Improve Your Health?
Have you ever heard of PRIMING? It’s a term used in psychology to describe the process of preparing someone’s mind for a task or experience. In other words, priming is the process of getting your mind into the right state to think more effectively and deeply. In terms of mental health, priming can be an incredibly powerful tool for building resilience and reducing stress. Here we’ll take a closer look at what priming is, how it works, and how it can help improve your mental health.
What is Priming?
Priming is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when exposure to one stimulus influences our response to another stimulus. For example, if you hear the word “cat” before hearing the word “dog” then you are more likely to recognize the word “dog” faster than if you hadn’t heard the word “cat” first. This happens because our brains will associate similar ideas together so that they are easier to recall in the future. Priming has been studied extensively by psychologists and has been found to have an effect on all sorts of mental processes such as memory, attention, learning, decision-making, and problem-solving.
How Does Priming Work?
Priming works by activating certain parts of our brains that have already been associated with a particular thought or idea. When these areas become active they make it easier for us to access related thoughts or ideas quickly. By activating these areas we can better focus our attention on important tasks or experiences without being distracted by irrelevant thoughts or worrying about things outside of our control. This makes it possible for us to focus on the present moment and makes us more capable of dealing with difficult situations without feeling overwhelmed or stressed out.
Benefits Of Priming For Health
Priming can be incredibly helpful for improving mental health because it allows us to increase our focus on important tasks even when we might be feeling anxious or overwhelmed. Additionally, priming can help reduce stress levels because it helps us shift from worrying about potential outcomes to focusing on what needs to happen in order for those outcomes to manifest themselves in reality. Finally, priming also helps build resilience which is essential when dealing with difficult life events like breakups or job losses since it allows us to stay focused on solutions rather than wallowing in negative emotions.
Priming is an invaluable tool for improving mental health because it helps us focus on important tasks while reducing stress levels and increasing resilience when faced with difficult life events. Not only can priming help improve your ability to concentrate but it can also help reduce anxiety and worry which are both common problems among people dealing with mental health issues. If you want to give yourself an edge when tackling difficult tasks or life events then priming could be just what you need! It's a simple yet incredibly effective way of giving yourself a boost whenever you need one most!